Different heaven omg
Different heaven omg

different heaven omg

never as cursing just vainly, the Holy Spirit convicts me. Believe me when I have used God’s name vainly…. God knows my heart to not be using it as oh my God and not even oh my god. (it is listed as “the Lord your God” in the 10 commandments – Exodus 20 – giving a specific reference to the Holy God) There are “other gods” b/c the 10 commandments say “You shalt have no other gods before me.” (little g – which never represents the Holy God or the Lord God) But yes, there is only one true God.

different heaven omg

I totally agree the Lord God’s name should not be used in vain. Poor Disney’s Goofey – he says Gosh all the time…. It’s never been a reference to God to me. Any comments referencing this post on a different page or post will not be posted.įirst, please explain to me how “gosh” is a euphemism for God? Nowhere is it listed in the Bible as the name for God. PLEASE NOTE: Comments for this post are closed. And let’s start today anew using our tongues to glorify God’s name instead of curse it! May we recognize that taking God’s name in vain in any form is offensive to the Holy God who saved us. If we are a redeemed soul saved by grace, then all of life should be lived intentionally to please our heavenly Father. We need to think about the words that come out of our mouths. My desire in writing, as always, is to make us think. When we grow angry or are surprised, we tend to forget our speech in the heat of the moment. You will still hear that come out of my mouth on occasion.

different heaven omg

Quite honestly, I have personally believed for a long time, that I probably shouldn’t even say “Oh, my gosh!” It is obviously a sadly disguised copy of the original. I am not writing this to point a finger or to make you feel guilty. If He is so awesome and so wonderful (and He is!), then we can understand why it is so important for us not to use His name when we are angry or surprised. This is just a short list of the adjectives that could be used to describe God, the One who made a way for us to be reconciled to Him through His son, Jesus Christ. God is holy, sovereign, unchangeable, omnipotent, omniscient, faithful, patient, and merciful.

different heaven omg

If we study who God is, we understand a bit more why this is such a grave sin. We are not to use God’s name as a curse word. The third commandment is “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.” Is it because we just don’t hear this called sin anymore? Are we so hardened to the use of His name due to the company we keep and the entertainment that we fill our minds with, that we just didn’t notice when we started doing it, too?Įxodus 20 is where we find the ten commandments. Many are wonderful people who obviously love the Lord. I hear Christians do this all of the time. And then I wondered, “does she know?” Does she know that the Bible tells us not to use God’s name in vain?Īnd honestly, this is not unusual. I was sitting at a sporting event, when the lovely, Christian lady beside me shouted, “Oh, my God!” as her child made a mistake.

Different heaven omg